23 Mar Tread Lightly! announces SAK-IT as its newest Official Partner
NORTH SALT LAKE, UT. (Mar 23, 2022)— Tread Lightly!, a U.S.-based nonprofit dedicated to promoting responsible outdoor recreation through stewardship and educational programs today announced SAK-IT as its newest Official Partner.
As an Official Partner of Tread Lightly!, SAK-IT will support Tread Lightly!’s mission to protect off-road trail access and public lands through stewardship projects and responsible recreation education.
“SAK-IT’s goals directly support the Do Your Part ethic of Tread Lightly!,” said Matt Caldwell, Executive Director of Tread Lightly!. “Thank you to SAK-IT for not only partnering with our organization but for also helping off-roaders and outdoor enthusiasts ‘Leave It Better.’”
SAK-IT creates reusable trash bags that attach to a variety of off-road and marine machines to help riders and boaters pack out their own trash and trash that they might find along the way. The company hopes to encourage all off-roaders to live by the Tread Lightly! principles and do their part to keep trails open.
“Our motto is “Pack it in, SAK-IT out!” said Tyler Kemp, Owner of SAK-IT “We have always lived by the Tread Lightly! ethos and are proud to grow our support as an Official Partner. We hope this will help reach more off-roaders and encourage them to pack out their trash and leave our trails and waterways healthy, clean and open.”
For more information on SAK-IT visit www.sak-it.com. To learn more about Tread Lightly! visit www.treadlightly.org.
About Tread Lightly!
Tread Lightly! is a national nonprofit organization with a mission to promote responsible recreation through stewardship programs and ethics education. Tread Lightly!’s educational message, along with its unique training and restoration initiatives are strategically designed to instill an ethic of responsibility in outdoor enthusiasts and the industries that serve them. The program is long-term in scope with a goal to balance the needs of the people who enjoy outdoor recreation with our need to maintain a healthy environment. Tread Lightly!’s award-winning materials, programs and services are solutions to some of the nation’s most pressing recreation issues. Individuals and businesses can commit to Tread Lightly! and protect outdoor access by becoming a member at www.treadlightly.org.
We are outdoor enthusiasts. We love to be outdoors, in either our Rock Crawler, SxS or Boat. We are firm believers in Tread Lightly! We always do our part to pack out what we pack in, as well as what we find along the way. Over the years we have seen our lands and waterways littered with debris that was carelessly left behind. We decided to do our part to try and make a difference! We wanted to make an easier way to contain the trash as well as our gear, so in 2019 SAK-IT was born. We have found that if the trash is contained in a manner such as using our Scrap SAK, individuals are more likely to pick up and pack out what is brought in, as well as what is left behind by others. Our Gear SAK’s work the same way to contain smaller amounts of trash and a safe place to keep your gear. Our goal is to encourage others to help keep our lands and waterways clean! We pride ourselves with the values of Tread Lightly! And by providing a quality product at a great price!
Pack it in…SAK-IT out!!
For more information contact:
Jerrica Archibald
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