25 Jan Tread Lightly! announces the Pacific Northwest Four Wheel Drive Association as its newest Partner Affiliate Club
NORTH SALT LAKE, UT. (Jan 25, 2024)— Tread Lightly!, a U.S.-based nonprofit dedicated to promoting responsible outdoor recreation through stewardship and educational programs, announced the Pacific Northwest Four Wheel Drive Association (PNW4WDA) as its newest Partner Affiliate Club.
The Partner Affiliate Club level offers all PNW4WDA member organizations and individuals discounts on club and individual Tread Lightly! memberships. As a Partner Affiliate Club of Tread Lightly!, PNW4WDA will support Tread Lightly!’s mission to protect off-road trail access and public lands through stewardship projects and responsible recreation education.
“Thank you the Pacific Northwest Four Wheel Drive Association for partnering with Tread Lightly! as our newest Affiliate Club,” said Matt Caldwell, Executive Director of Tread Lightly!. “Together we can work as one to Protect the Adventure across the Pacific Northwest.”
Comprised of over 60 member organizations across eight regions, the PNW4WDA is non-profit organization comprised of clubs and individuals united in a common objective – the betterment of vehicle oriented outdoor recreation while conserving the environment in Oregon, Washington and Idaho.
“We are longtime supporters and believers in Tread Lightly! and its mission,” said Nichol Phillips, Washington State Director for PNW4WDA. “We’re thrilled to offer our member clubs and individuals the opportunity to join Tread Lightly! at a discounted rate to continue that support.”
For more information on PNW4DA visit, www.pnw4wda.org. To learn more about Tread Lightly! Visit www.treadlightly.org.
About Tread Lightly!
Tread Lightly! Is a national nonprofit organization with a mission to promote responsible recreation through stewardship programs and ethics education. Tread Lightly!’s educational message, along with its unique training and restoration initiatives are strategically designed to instill an ethic of responsibility in outdoor enthusiasts and the industries that serve them. The program is long-term in scope with a goal to balance the needs of the people who enjoy outdoor recreation with our need to maintain a healthy environment. Tread Lightly!’s award-winning materials, programs and services are solutions to some of the nation’s most pressing recreation issues. Individuals and businesses can commit to Tread Lightly! and protect outdoor access by becoming a member at www.treadlightly.org.
About The Pacific Northwest Four Wheel Drive Association
The mission of the Pacific Northwest Four Wheel Drive Association is to draw together four-wheel drive enthusiasts, supporters and Land Management Agencies in Oregon, Washington and Idaho to:
· Support 4-wheel drive activities
· Promote responsible use to protect the resources
· Enhance the positive image of the sport and the enthusiasts
· Maintain or improve 4-wheel drive opportunities
· Protect access to public lands
Its commitment lies in safeguarding the environment for future generations. In alignment with this mission, it offer education and training through diverse channels. Recognizing education as the definitive path to tangible results, we strive to empower individuals with the knowledge needed for environmental preservation.
For more information contact:
Jerrica Archibald
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