25 Apr Tread Lightly! Impact Report: 1N09 Recreational Shooting Site Cleanup
Project: 1N09 Recreational Shooting Site Cleanup
Location: California
Description: This project was funded by the Quadratec 50 for 50 Initiative. Together with Tread Lightly!, Quadratec will fund a project in each state over 24 months to help improve or enhance public lands and off-road recreation areas.
On the morning of April 14th, 2023, seven volunteers gathered at the entrance to Forest Road 1N09 in the San Bernardino National Forest to do their part and make a positive impact for our public lands.
Forest Road 1N09 is a unique location in that it is the only designated, non-developed recreational shooting area on the San Bernardino National Forest. However, shooting is only permitted after the two-mile marker on the trail, once it has sufficiently distanced itself from the very busy CA-330 highway.
The goal was to begin clearing out the non-permitted shooting lanes before the two-mile marker, some of which have direct sight lines to the highway. For three hours the volunteers toiled, picking up trigger trash, spent shotgun shells, and discarded tires. Haul highlights include an entire oven, windshield and several pallets. As the low misty clouds began to clear, four shooting lanes had been cleared and reverted to natural forest area to dissuade future visitors from shooting there, and approximately 1,200 lbs of trash had been collected.
Thank you to the partners who made this possible:
- Quadratec
- Milestar Tire
Want to get involved in your own Tread Lightly! project? Find upcoming activities, events and grant opportunities at treadlightly.org.

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