11 Oct Tread Lightly! Impact Report: Alabama Hills National Scenic Area Dispersed Camping Improvements
Project: Alabama Hills National Scenic Area Dispersed Camping Improvements
Location: Alabama Hills, California
Description: On September 20 and 21, 2022 a group of 12 volunteers joined forces with personnel from ESIA, BLM and USFS to restore and enhance 20 dispersed camping sites throughout the Alabama Hills National Scenic area in California. Sites were restored using vertical mulching, rock delineation and strategic use of signs. In addition, each of these enhanced sites were furnished with a fire ring, while existing fire rings were cleared of ash buildup and refurbished for use once burn restrictions in the area are lifted. To finish off the two days of work, volunteers installed a new weather resistant and reflective sign welcoming visitors to the area.
Thank you to the following partners for supporting this project:
- Milestar Tires
- Eastern Sierra 4×4 Club
- Valley Outdoors
- Circle L Overland
“We at Milestar Tires are thankful for the hard work that Tread Lightly! did to foster collaboration between public and federal organizations the best clean up we’ve done to date. The Bishop BLM Office had a well-developed plan helped to build on the good work we’ve done in the Alabama Hills of the Eastern Sierras. It means so much for us to lend our time and effort to keep public lands open for OHV use.”-Martin Castro, Milestar
“ESIA (Eastern Sierra Interpretive Association) is very proud to partner with all these amazing organizations. It’s incredible how much we can get done working together. We look forward to the next opportunity.”-Savanna Deger, ESIA

Want to get involved in your own project? Apply for a grant or check out the other projects at treadlightly.org.

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