28 Feb Tread Lightly! Impact Report: Camp Rubicon Education and Bronco Wild Fund Rubicon Trail Maintenance
Project: Camp Rubicon Education and Bronco Wild Fund Rubicon Trail Maintenance
Location: California
Description: The Rubicon Trail is one of the most iconic 4×4 routes on the West Coast and sees an impressive amount of use from recreationists looking to test their driving skills and push their machines to the limit. This year, the Tread Lightly! team and Bronco Wild Fund brought both education and stewardship to the Rubicon.
Camp Rubicon is a family-oriented event that occurs during the annual Jeepers Jamboree. During this year’s event, the Tread Lightly! team, with support from TL! Ambassador Shelby Hall, were given two-hour timeslots to educate kids about responsible recreation and off-roading.
The kids were directed to several different stations, including orienteering and compass reading, how to plug a tire, and cleaning up a trashed campsite. Approximately 60 kids cycled through these stations over the two hours and had a great time learning how to be responsible on the trail.
Like many places in California, the Rubicon Trail saw an impressive and prolonged winter, with snowpack lasting until July. An added string of thunderstorms over the summer resulted in far more water and erosion coursing through the trail than it has seen in several years.
To help remedy this, Tread Lightly! partnered with the Bronco Wild Fund to step in and do its part to ensure the Rubicon Trail remains the landmark it is for years to come. For this project, Tread Lightly! was able to streamline the equipment procurement process, allowing El Dorado County to complete much needed excavator work on Post Pile Hill. This work included the re-establishment of waterbars at key locations on the hill as well as the clearing of 15 energy dissipators, both being crucial for erosion mitigation.
Thank you to the partners who made this possible:
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