07 Feb Tread Lightly! Impact Report: Charlestown Township Pickering Dam Trail Day
Project: Charlestown Township Pickering Dam Trail Day
Location: Pennsylvania
Description: On November 4, 2023, ten volunteers gathered for the annual trail maintenance and cleanup day in a public space in Charlestown, Pennsylvania. Together they improved four miles of trail and packed out 860 pounds of litter, including mattresses, tires and car parts.
Volunteers also relocated approximately 40 yards of trail in danger of collapsing since the torrential rain events of 2022.
Thank you to the partners who made this possible:
- Charlestown Township Parks and Recreation Board
- Friends of the Pickering Dam Trail
- Go Fox Adventures
“Giving back to your local trails is important, and even though this one is walking distance from home base, it provides a lot of solitude when you just need a walk in the woods. We got a lot of work done in a short time and relocating the trail away from the washed-out section improved trail safety drastically.”- Makinlee Fox, CEO, Go Fox Adventures
“It’s important for our community to come together on common goals such as maintaining the beautiful landscapes near our homes. As community members, it shows the next generation what conservation is all about and how to carry it out. We are not only here to help preserve and educate but when we come together as volunteers, we learn from each other and create a strong sense of community.”- Cordelia Kane, Trails Lead for Charlestown Township Parks and Recreation Board
Want to get involved in your own Tread Lightly! project? Find upcoming activities, events and grant opportunities at treadlightly.org.

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