25 Jul Tread Lightly! Impact Report: Corral Canyon Spring Trail Maintenance Day
Project: Corral Canyon Spring Trail Maintenance Day
Location: California
Description: On the warm spring morning of May 5th, 2024, 80 volunteers from multiple enthusiast clubs including Tierra Del Sol, San Diego Off-Road Club (SDORC) and San Diego 4 Wheelers met at the Four Corners area of Corral Canyon with the aim of doing their part and giving back to our public lands.
Over four hours volunteers spread out across the 50 plus miles of trails, ranging from well-maintained dirt roads all the way to challenging double black diamond trails. By the end of the day, volunteers had managed to remove trash, perform trail brushing and complete minor maintenance on approximately 10 miles of trails
Thank you to the partners who made this possible:
- SD4Wheelers
- San Diego Jeep Club
Want to get involved in your own Tread Lightly! project? Find upcoming activities, events and grant opportunities at treadlightly.org.

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