14 Sep Tread Lightly! Impact Report: Keep Our Forest Beautiful Event and Cleanup
Project: Keep Our Forest Beautiful Cleanup
Location: Northern Arizona
Description: On August 13, 2022, eleven volunteers participated in the Keep Our Forest Beautiful Event in Northern Arizona. The event promoted responsible recreation tactics by providing education outreach about the importance of packing out trash. A dumpster was provided in the area to encourage participants to leave the area better than they found it.
Thank you to the partners that supported this project:
- Diablo Trust
- AZ Game and Fish
- AZ State Parks OHV
- Coconino County Sheriff
- Back Country Hunters and Anglers
- Happy Jack Lodge
- Coconino County
- AZ Office of Tourism
- Waste Management
Want to get involved in your own project? Apply for a grant or check out the other projects at treadlightly.org.

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