03 Aug Tread Lightly Impact Report: Pine Grove Historic Gold Mining Town Fire Mitigation Project
Project: Pine Grove Historic Gold Mining Town Fire Mitigation Project
Location: Lyon County, Nevada
Description: On July 16, 2021 5 Forest Service, 2 Nevada state lands, and 8 dedicated Nevada volunteers worked to protect the beautifully preserved historic buildings of Pine Grove Historic Gold Mining Town from fire dangers by removing combustible fuels to create a defensible barrier. Over 1,500 pounds of vegetation was removed and turned to compost. Along with the combustible removal, volunteers also installed new education signage to help prevent human caused fires in the area. We would like to extend a big Thank You to the Pine Nut Mountains Trail Association, Bridgeport Forest Ranger District, Nevada OHV Commission, Nevada 4WD Association and Lincoln Mining Company.
“We are excited to continue our work to enhance the Pine Grove area this year,” said Matt Caldwell, Tread Lightly! Executive Director. “This is a testament to Nevada’s off-highway community and their dedication to conservation and protecting public lands.”
“It is events like these that allow the Motorized Offroad community to give back some of their time to protect the resources that draw us to the Nevada’s back county” said Mathew Giltner executive director of the Nevada Offroad Association. “Without the support of groups like Tread Lightly and their positive stewardship message of responsible offroad recreation, and clubs like PNMTA protecting your right to recreate on your public lands, accessing Nevada’s backcountry would become increasingly difficult, so please, join a club let your voice be heard”.
Want to get involved in your own Tread Lightly! project? Find upcoming activities, events and grant opportunities at treadlightly.org.
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