27 May Tread Lightly! Impact Report: Pine Grove Site Cleanup
Project: Pine Grove Cleanup
Location: Lyon County, Nevada
Description: On May 8, 2021 the Pine Nut Mountains Trail Association (PNMTA) completed a stewardship Off-Highway Vehicle (OHV) education and cleanup event at the old Pine Grove Town site in Lyon County Nevada. This event, occurred with funding from the Nevada OHV grant program, and educational support from Tread Lightly! – America’s leading advocacy group best known for promoting responsible recreation through stewardship, education, and communication.
The cleanup portion of the stewardship removed 300 Pounds of debris, primarily broken glass and “shooter trash”. One item was identified as an “artifact” and returned to it initial location. Thirty three of the 40 reported burial locations were visually identified.
Education portion- a total of 47 OHVs passed through the town site during the day, including one unregistered, and three incorrectly registered. Significant educational outreach was accomplished through the USFS recreation representative and the PNMTA outreach coordinator to about half of the transiting OHVs. The next steps include a photographic inventory of all remaining buildings and creating a defensible fire zone around the perimeter of the remaining structures.
“We are particularly proud of the coordination of all stake holders to pull this off. It is not difficult it is just complex process. Yet by establishing the personal relationships with everyone from the mine owner, State offices and Federal Public Lands managers all the way to Tread Lightly! and to the volunteers who without their help, none of this would happen. These relationships formed today are the foundation to build on for the next project.”-Mathew Giltner, Pine Nut Mountain Trail Association
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