22 Nov Tread Lightly Impact Report: Boblett’s Gap Recreation Area Cleanup
Project: Boblett’s Gap Recreation Area Cleanup
Location: Blue Ridge Parkway–Buchanan, Virginia
Description: On October 23, 2021Go Fox Adventures, off-road enthusiasts from several east coast states, in partnership with the USFS Glenwood-Pedlar Ranger District, removed illegally dumped trash along motorized trail routes and dispersed camping areas in the Boblett’s Gap Recreation Area. Volunteers from the off-road community also assisted in the installation of new Tread Lightly! ethics signage to encourage responsible use and promote sustainable access to all. Thank you to the BFGoodrich Tires Outstanding Trails stewardship grant funding for making this project possible! Thank you to partners GFL Environmental for donating a dumpster and Quadratec for their donation of gloves and mesh trash bags.
“Bobblet’s Gap is a crossroads- not just of several trails, but of different types of recreationists. Equestrian, pedestrian, and motorized travel are all permitted on this one section of trail and have been for decades. It also has an underpass below the Blue Ridge Parkway and intersects the Appalachian Trail. Unfortunately, some of the trash we removed has also been there for generations. We found several antique embossed glass beer bottles as well as cast iron household items which would have been interesting to see in another context. It feels good to finally remove some of the debris that has been there that long, and we’re hoping our stewardship education efforts will mean the next 70 years will be a little better.”-Scott Ammerman, project organizer and Go Fox Adventures Founder
“The cleanup was a great way to experience the outdoors in a new way, meet some new friends, and feel great about the time we spent enjoying nature. I joined the crew both to lend a hand as well as to capture the project as an episode for my YouTube channel.”-Jon, Dirt Road Therapy YouTube Channel
“I was looking forward to a way to give back to trails and the outdoors that I’ve really come to enjoy. Having never been involved with Tread Lightly prior to this project Scott laid out expectations, policies, and procedures very well. He was extremely thorough and thoughtful about his communication to our crew. The amount we were able to get done in just one afternoon was pretty amazing. I wish we had longer to work outdoors to help make an even bigger dent, because it was truly shocking just how much needed to be done. The work Tread Lightly and Scott are doing is priceless, and not only cleaning up, but marking trails for better keeping is just a wonderful cause. I’m really looking forward to more projects in Virginia and elsewhere with Scott and Tread Lightly!”-Ryan Clatterback, volunteer
Want to get involved in your own Tread Lightly! project? Find upcoming activities, events and grant opportunities at treadlightly.org.
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