Tread Lightly!®’s Tread Trainer™ (TT) course is an 8-hour course designed to provide a “crash course” in outdoor ethics focusing on motorized and mechanized recreation on both land and water. Participation in the course qualifies individuals to present the Tread Lightly! message to others in their state or region. Participants will work with Master Trainers or Tread Lightly! staff on understanding the role outdoor ethics play in the recreation community, learn the Tread Lightly! principles of responsible recreation, and be provided with the tools to conduct workshops and coordinate community outreach.
When: Saturday January 13, 2024, 8am to 5pm ET
Where: BSA Camp Davy Crockett, 142 Scout Camp Rd, Whitesburg, TN 37891
Cost: Tread Lightly! membership plus Council registration
Age: 14 years and older
Each participant will need to complete the online Tread Lightly! 101 Awareness Course. Also, will need to prepare a 1-2 minute presentation on What is Tread Lightly! and a 5-10 minute presentation on Tread Lightly! recreation tips. Details will be provided after registration.
More information or questions, contact: David Doan, Tread Lightly Master Tread Trainer
2-Step Registration Process: You must complete both steps to register for this course.
1.) Join the Course Roster:
Go to to register for class. Register as guest or create an account, click Register now, under add participant add 1, click Register now, click update information, click select classes, scroll down list to Tread Lightly! and select, then checkout.
2.) Tread Lightly! membership:
A Tread Lightly! membership is required to become a qualified Tread Trainer. Any membership level will fulfill this requirement. Complete the Tread Lightly! Membership form below . When you get to the question, “Are you joining Tread Lightly! as a prerequisite for a Tread Trainer course?”, mark yes. Then provide the date, city and state of the course. Membership will be verified.