31 Mar Tread Lightly! at a Distance
As the coronavirus crisis continues, people are heading outdoors to get a break from being in the house and to find open spaces to safely social distance.
We’ve adapted the T.R.E.A.D. Principles for social distancing outdoors to align with the recommendations from the CDC to help slow the spread of the disease and maintain physical and emotional health. Please help us keep the outdoors and enthusiasts healthy by following these easy guidelines.
T – Travel responsibly. Stay close to home and utilize less popular trails. If parking lots and trail heads are crowded, look for alternatives. If visiting a park or trail, remember to stay on designated routes.
R – Respect the rights of others – Maintain a safe distance (6 feet minimum) from other recreationists. If you are feeling sick, stay home. Remember to keep hands clean. Keep sanitizer available in your vehicle or on your person. Avoid touching your face after being in public spaces.
E – Educate yourself – Make sure your facilities are open before you head out and check for any travel restrictions. Follow local, state and Federal guidelines at https://www.usa.gov/state-health regarding restrictions on group sizes. To prevent overcrowding and protect people, many trails, parks and visitor centers are being shut down temporarily.
A – Avoid sensitive areas – Keep members of local communities safe and healthy by avoiding places that are heavily affected by the virus or could be easily overwhelmed by medical emergencies.
D – Do your part – Make sure to pack out what you pack in to keep places healthy and accessible for other users.
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